Shortcomings and Flaws: 2012

A reader once accused me of being materialistic after I wrote about my lack of a favorite number, specifically criticizing me for saying that when it comes to salary, my favorite number is the largest number possible.

You can read about that debate here if you would like.

After refuting the charges of materialism, I acknowledged that I had plenty of other shortcomings and offered to list them in order to appease my angry reader. I did. Then I added to the list when friends suggested that I had forgotten a few.

Nice friends. Huh?

I also stated that I would return to the list from time to time in order to ensure I had nothing new to add. I recently examined my list and found that both revision and additions were required.

Here is my new list:

Matthew Dicks’s List of Shortcomings and Flaws

1.  I have difficulty being agreeable even when the outcome means nothing to me but means a great deal to someone else.

2.  I have a limited palate (though I would like to stress that this is not by choice).

3.  I often lack tact, particularly in circumstances in which tact is especially important.

4.  I am a below average golfer.

5.  It is hard for me to sympathize with people in difficulties that I do not understand, do not think are worthy of sympathy and/or are suffering with  difficulties that I would have avoided entirely.   

6.  I have difficulty putting myself in another person’s shoes. Rather than attempting understand the person, I envision myself within their context and point out what I would have done instead.

7.  When it comes to argument and debate, I often lack restraint. I will use everything in my arsenal in order to win, even if this means hurting the other person’s feelings in the process. 

8.  I do many things for the sake of spite.

9.  I have an unreasonable fear of needles.

10. I become angry and petulant when told what to wear.

11. Bees kill me dead.

12. I am incapable of carrying on small talk for any length of time and become extremely irritable when forced to do so.

13. I become sullen and sometimes inconsolable when the New England Patriots lose a football game.

14. I lack adequate compassion and empathy for adults who are not very smart or resourceful.

15. I can form strong opinions about things that I possess a limited knowledge of and are inconsequential to me.

16. Field of Dreams makes me cry every time without fail.

17. I am unable to make the simplest of household or automobile repairs.

18. I would rarely change the sheets on my bed if not for my wife.

19. I eat ice cream too quickly.

20. I procrastinate when it comes to tasks that require the use of the telephone.

21. I am uncomfortable and ineffective at haggling for a better price.

22. I am exceptionally hard on myself when I fail to reach a goal or meet a deadline, thus impacting my performance and creating a negative feedback loop that further hinders progress.