Speak Up storytelling workshops

After reviewing the results from the survey conducted at our most recent Speak Up storytelling event, it became clear that there is a strong interest in the possibility of storytelling workshops.


But we also know that checking off a box on a survey is easy, so we’ve done some planning and come up with a program that we believe would work, so now we are wondering if there is still interest.

Here is how the program would look:

Six workshops over the course of six weeks, each lasting about 90 minutes.

A limit of 8 participants in each workshop. 

During these workshops, instruction would focus on the skills and strategies required for both the development and delivery of effective stories, as well as the generation of story ideas. Workshops would include whole group and individual instruction. As a part of the process, each participant would develop at least one story for an eventual performance.

Following the completion of the workshops, participants would have the opportunity to tell their story in a smaller version of one of our Speak Up shows. This would be hosted by Real Art Ways in the smaller of the two gallery spaces where our first Speak Up event was held back in May. The show would be free and open to invitees of the workshop and Real Art Ways members. Our goal is to provide a low-stakes environment where participants can give storytelling a try for the first time.

Ideally, these storytellers would then go on to perform at a future Speak Up event if they so choose.  

The cost of the workshop would be $150-$200 depending upon costs.

The first workshops would likely take place in January of 2014.

Our hope is to begin to build a vibrant and active community of storytellers here in the Hartford area who could tell stories at our events as well as other storytelling opportunities here in Connecticut and abroad. 

If you’re interested, please email speakupstorytelling@gmail.com.