My 2012 Christmas haul

For the past three years, I have been cataloging the Christmas gifts that my wife has given me, primarily to demonstrate her extraordinary ability to please with the simplest of presents.

In 2009, the haul included a signed first edition of Kurt Vonnegut’s MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY.

The 2010 haul included a Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure pin and a Patriots house key.

Last year’s gifts included a Darth Vader pen and Mr. T in a Pocket.

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to please me.

This year’s haul is no different. In addition to a tour of Yankee Stadium and lunch at a restaurant that only serves hot dogs, the 2012 haul includes two toys that make noise and a pen designed to shoot rubber bands.

I don’t require much to be happy.

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