Legitimate complaints about the toilet

My daughter had a tantrum this weekend when told that she had to try to use the bathroom before leaving the house.

Amongst her complaints:

  1. There's nothing to do but sit there.
  2. It's not my favorite thing to do.
  3. I don't want to wash my hands because that's not fun either.

Tough to argue with the logic.


I proposed that we place a book or two in the bathroom to keep her occupied while she is sitting there. She’s in kindergarten, but there are plenty of books that she can read.

Her response:

“Are you crazy? Read on the potty. That’s ridiculous.”

Charlie found a whistle. And he was happy.

There are so many great reasons to have children.

I think this needs to be said more often, because whining about the challenges of parenting is a popular pastime in certain corners of this country.

Maybe every corner.


I have theories as to why this may be the case, but I’m writing a book on the subject, so you’ll have to wait and see what they are.

Regardless, one of the great things about having kids is the constant reminder about the joy of novelty and simple discovery.

Charlie found my whistle the other day, and it made his day.