The people who will die first in a zombie apocalypse

  • People who pre-wipe gym equipment
  • Women who wear sweatpants with the word Juicy on the butt
  • Anyone who prefers calling roadside assistance rather than changing their own flat tire
  • People who shout when they are angry
  • Ethical vegetarians and anyone keeping a kosher household
  • Men who expect engagement gifts from their future brides
  • Anyone who sleeps past 8:30 AM on the weekend
  • People who expect a thank you note in exchange for a gift and gossip about you when the note is not sent
  • Men with shy bladders
  • Every single person on the television show The Jersey Shore
  • Every single person who has watched every single episode of The Jersey Shore
  • People who talk more than they listen
  • Men who do not apply toothpaste to their own toothbrush
  • Anyone who is regularly watching daytime television
  • Women who believe that it is inappropriate and/or disrespectful to wear the same dress to two different weddings
  • Parents who send their children to Princess Camp