Speak Up storyteller: Kim Damokosh

Two weeks before our inaugural Speak Up storytelling event at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT. May 4 at 7:00 PM. Admission is free.

Today I’m proud to introduce our fifth storyteller, Kim Damokosh. Her bio was written by her teenage daughter, Emma. _____________________________

Kim Damokosh

My mom, Kim Damokosh, is a woman of many personalities. At work she is a high- powered consultant that brings many a man to their knees with her ferocious negotiation skills.

Meanwhile, at home she must corral her incorrigible teenaged kids. She is a hard-core tiger mom with the best of intentions.

However when it comes time to let loose, laughter ensues after every sentence she utters. She must be a chef, a chauffeur, a teacher, therapist and a personal assistant all at once. She is a loving mom and wife whose motto for life is “Work hard, play hard.”
