The still-awaiting-a-proper-title To-Do List #2

A month ago, I challenged myself to publish a clever, creative, subversive to-do list every Friday in the spirit of this best-ever to-do list: best ever to-do list

I managed to accomplish one of last week’s goals (not that this is my intention) by dropping off 20 books on the stoops of twenty different apartment and condos in my neighborhood this afternoon. Each book had a post-it note affixed to the cover that read:

I loved this book. I think you will, too.

I recently cleaned out my bookshelf. I still have more than 50 books in my backseat to donate.

Here is this week’s to-do list.

Still no whiteboard donation, so a digital version only.

  • Conduct your own solo Chinese fire drill by stopping at a traffic light, jumping out of the car, running twice around the car, and climbing back in. Obviously this should only be done if there is a car behind you.
  • In honor of Rob Gronkowski, the Patriots tight end you loves to spike the football after every touchdown catch, spike a football during a moment of minor accomplishment.
  • Spend an evening reading by candlelight.  

Comments, critiques and compliments welcomed.

This list still needs a name of some sort, so suggestions would be appreciated.

And if you’re ever ambitious enough to attempt one of these things, PLEASE let me know.

The awaiting-a-proper-title To-Do List #1

Three weeks ago, I challenged myself to publish a clever, creative, subversive to-do list every Friday in the spirit of this best-ever to-do list:

Then I completely forgot about the challenge until this morning.

I’ve since added this goal to my Google calendar and set reminders, so I shouldn’t forget again.

I’d like to ultimately write my lists on a white boards and photograph them, like the anonymous people who inspired me did, but I have no white board at the moment, so a digital list will have to do.

If you’d like to send me a white board and some markers, let me know.

So here you go.  This week’s to-do list:

  • Convince the cashier at the post office that you went to high school with him or her, and then admit that you always admired and respected him or her a great deal.
  • Rent a bouncy castle and have it set up on the grounds of a nursing home for the afternoon.  See what happens.
  • Tie tin cans to the rear bumper of a married friend’s car with a sign that reads: NOT JUST MARRIED BUT MARRIED NONETHELESS!

Comments, critiques and compliments welcomed.

This list also needs a name of some sort, so suggestions would be appreciated.

And if you’re ever ambitious enough to attempt one of these things, PLEASE let me know.

I may attempt the first one this afternoon, and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that I could do the third at some point as well.

The second one would require cash that I cannot part with at this time.