107 Federal Street update

As you may know, my sister and I write a blog called 107 Federal Street (named after the address of our childhood home) where we attempt to recover and discuss memories from our childhood.

107 Federal Street

The purpose is twofold:

1. My memory from childhood is good, but my sister has an unbelievable memory. She can tell you what she wore on the first day of school for every year of schooling. She remembers names and dates and events like they happened yesterday. As such, she is an invaluable resource if I ever decided to write a memoir about my childhood (which I will likely do someday). This blog is a means on mining that memory and recording it somewhere in the event that I need it someday.

In short, I’m using my sister for my own eventual benefit.

2. I like to think that we are creating a record that our children could read someday so that they can learn a little more about their parents’ life and upbringing. Our mother passed away six years ago, and with her passing went all the memories from her childhood. They are lost forever. While I have no intention of ever dying, pianos fall out of windows from time to time, so you never know when life is going to squish you. This record is for my children to enjoy someday.

Happily, readers have been enjoying it, too, responding often and favorably to me about what we write.  Kelli and I are currently on a roll. We’ve posted ten times in the past two month, including posts on our long lost step-siblings, our childhood pets and their frequent, brutal deaths, our elementary school teachers, our childhood poverty and more. If you’re interested in reading about any of these things, you can find our blog at 107federalstreet.blogspot.com

107 Federal Street back in business

My sister and I write a blog together about our childhood called 107 Federal Street (our childhood home address).


It’s my underhanded way of mining my sister for stories about our childhood that I can one day use for a memoir.

We also hope to create something that our children will enjoy reading someday.

Kelli’s been in transition for the last few months and without a computer, but she’s up and running again and we’re writing.

My sister, who has the memory of a robotic elephant, writes on a topic first. Then I respond with my own post.

Over the weekend we posted twice to the blog.

The first  is my post about our food Nazi parents (in response to Kelli’s previous post on the same subject).

The second is Kelli’s post about adventures at our bus stop.

In addition to our blog, I’m trying to convince her to write a memoir. The last twenty years have been an interesting time for her (to say the least), and she’s a good writer.

She must get it from me.