Resolution update: July 2011

It was a big month for me, and while these resolution posts are probably the least-read posts on my blog, they are some of my favorites, especially after a good month. 

Two difficult resolutions were accomplished this month, and progress on many others continues at a steady clip. 

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

Down 19 pounds as of this morning.  This goal is within my grasp. 

2.  Do at least 50 100 200 push-ups and 50 100 sit-ups a day.

I missed four days in July.  An all-day and most-of-the-night trip to NYC kept me from push-ups and sit-ups on one day, as did two weddings and a sore elbow on three others.

In my defense, I am routinely doing well over 200 push-ups a day, now, so those four missed days were more than made up for in the push-up department. 

However, I’m still only doing 100 sit-ups a day.  They are decidedly less fun. 

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

No practice.  I’m ashamed of myself. 

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

Tried one new wine in July.  Did not like.   

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

Not much happened with the new book in July, as my agent was reviewing it and I was editing MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND and working on a couple other writing projects.  But the manuscript is back in hand and the revisions for MEMOIRS are done.  As my agent would say, onward!

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Still done.  And this month I revised the story in accordance with the children’s book agent’s recommendations.  I meet with my children’s writing group next week, and after I get some final feedback, I’ll send it back to the agent with my fingers crossed.

To be honest, I did not like the suggestions that the agent gave me at first, and it was only through meeting with my writing group that ideas on how to accommodate her suggestions arose.  As a result, it’s a much better book.

See?  What the hell do I know? 

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

I have a meeting this month with a photographer to begin work on this project.      

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Done.  I have moved into the writing portion of this process.  It has become a book dealing with productivity, but it also includes a great deal about my own life as well.  I’m excited about it.   

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

She agreed to write.  She promised to write. And then she didn’t write. 

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

Done, though it turns out that the science behind this is questionable

Nonexistent actually. 

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

I submitted my application to the State Department of Education yesterday.  Now I await their response.  Hoping that the bureaucratic wheels don’t grind too slowly.  They will inform me of what classes I need to take in order to teach high school. 

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Nope.  But I entered a short story into a contest sponsored by a literary magazine upon the suggestion of my editor.  She was also kind enough to edit it for me.  So my fingers are crossed on that front as nothing happens on this actual resolution front.  

14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Done!  I went, I told my story, and I won!  I will be participating in The Moth’s GrandSlam competition in September!  Date and time TBD. 

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading at the local playhouse is scheduled for November 5 and 6.

16.  Organize my basement.

Progress continues at an excellent pace.

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.

Done!  I have my first paying client!  A regular reader of this blog decided to work with me in order to achieve his goals, and we meet for the first time in August.  I am very excited about this and think that it will be a productive and meaningful partnership.   

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

No poker in July. I remain stuck on a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far.

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Done.  One day early, baby!

Resolution update: June 2011

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

Down fourteen pounds since the beginning of the year. Nine to go.

Even my doctor noticed my weight loss at my recent visit. 

2.  Do at least 50 100 200 push-ups and 50 100 sit-ups a day.

I have increased sit-up goal to 100 a day, simply because 50 had become a joke.  Even the 200 push-ups are becoming relatively easy, so I have changed my routine from sets of 25 push-ups at a time to sets of 40 at a time with shorter breaks in between.

There was a day when my wife and daughter were in New York when I did 600 push-ups in a day.

I did, however, miss a total of six days in June because of illness. 

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

No practice.  

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

No wine consumed in June.  

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

Five chapters into my newest book and things are still going well.  My agent has the first 10,000 words to review, and I must now shift into revision mode for MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND, which will stall things for about a week. 

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Still done.  While my agent liked the book, the children’s book agent thought it needed work.  She liked the concept a lot and thought it had potential, but she suggested I revise it in a way that I am not sure I like.  So I’m stuck, trying to decide what to do.  I kind of love it just the way it is. 

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

I have a meeting in August to begin work on this project.       

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Work continues, and some writing has actually commenced as well. 

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

No progress yet.

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.


11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

Nothing done yet.

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.


14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Great progress!  My Moth pitch has made it to the website, where it currently has the most votes.  I have been informed that this is a curatorial process, so a committee will assess my story pitch based upon total votes, overall rating from the voters and their overall assessment of the pitch.  I wait to hear what they have decided.

I am also attending a live Moth event on July 12, where I plan on placing my name in the hat and hopefully getting picked to tell a story onstage.

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading at the local playhouse is scheduled for November 5 and 6.

16.  Organize my basement.

Progress continues at a decent pace.

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.

None.  But I’ll remind you again that I’ve added professional best man to the list.  Please keep me in mind.  

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

No poker in June.  I remain stuck on a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far. 

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution update: May 2011

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

Down eleven pounds since the beginning of the year.  Twelve to go.

2.  Do at least 50 100 200 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.

I have increased my push-up total to 200 a day, and in May, I missed three days.  Two were purposely missed because I used the rowing machine at the gym, and one day was forgotten because I was spending the evening at the in-law’s home was fell out of my routine. 

I might want to think about increasing my sit-up goals as well, except that sit-ups just aren’t as fun. 

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

No practice. I remain a complete disappointment.  

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

I tried one wine in May and di not like it.  

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

Four chapters into my newest book and things are going well.  Once I have all four chapters in decent shape, I will send them to my agent for a first look. 

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Done.  She liked it.  It has now been passed onto an agent who specializes in children’s book for an opinion.    

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year

Still a summer project,      

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Done, but it grows by the week.  It would appear that my book on productivity will also be my memoir.  The two have merged into one entity. 

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

No progress yet.

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.


11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

Nothing done yet.

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.


14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

No, but I pitched another story about a week ago.  How long should I wait before assuming that they are not interested?

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading at the local playhouse is scheduled for November 5 and 6.

16.  Organize my basement.

Progress continues at a decent pace. 

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.

None.  But now I’ve added professional best man to the list.  Please keep me in mind.   

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding. 

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain stuck on a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far.  

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Done.  On time for once.  

Resolution update: April 2011

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

I’m down eight pounds since the beginning of the year.  Fifteen to go.

2.  Do at least 50 100 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.

Didn’t miss a day last month and have officially increased the push-up requirement to 100 a day.

My wife watched me doing them last night and was impressed.

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

No practice.  I’m a complete disappointment.   

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

Nothing yet, but I tried five different wines in April thanks to a helpful waitress. 

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

Still deciding on which book will be my next, but serious progress has been made on one of the options.  It’s looking like I’ll be working on a primary novel and a secondary novel at the same time, in addition to my book on productivity and a couple children’s books. 

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Nearly finished.  This month.  I promise.   

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year

Still a summer project, But I have a lunch meeting with my collaborator scheduled for July, so that’s something.      

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Work continues, though my productivity book is becoming slightly and surprisingly autobiographical, which may steal large chunks of material from my memoir.  Not sure how to handle this.   

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

Despite her new job, no progress yet. 

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

Done.  And as expected, it is reducing my Diet Coke intake. 

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

Nothing done yet.

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.


14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

No, but I have another pitch written. I will call this week. 

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading at the local playhouse is scheduled for November 5 and 6.

16.  Organize my basement.

Progress continues, although it was limited this month.  The cat was ill and started peeing on the basement floor, thus shifting my efforts from organization to cleanup. 

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach or professional best man business.

None.  But now I’ve added professional best man to the list.  Please keep me in mind.    

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.  My editor assures me that we have a best seller on our hands, so it shouldn’t be long.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I have earned a little less than 25% of a mortgage payment so far.   

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Done.  Three days late. 

Resolution update: March 2011

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.

I’m down six pounds since the beginning of the year.  Seventeen to go.  Doing well.  My wife said I looked thin tonight.  Even better.  

2.  Do at least 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.

Didn’t miss a day last month.  I’ve also increased the push-ups to 75-100 a day.

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

Still no practice.  But the flute is finally home.  That counts for something.   

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

Nothing yet. 

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND (my fourth novel) is complete.  I am currently writing three different novels, a children’s book and a non-fiction book on productivity. 

I’ll have to settle on a book soon, because writing three novels at the same time is stupid.  In order to help me make a decision, I sent a list of possible ideas to my agent this week in hopes that she can make the decision for me.  Last time I asked her to do this, she told me to write MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND, and things are working out beautifully.  So I’m returning to the well.      

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Not yet, but she should have something in hand by the end of this month, I think.  

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

Not yet.  A summer project.     

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Work continues on this project, though the outline has spread to my laptop, my journal, my iPhone and a bunch of post-it notes. Consolidation is in order. 

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

No progress, but my sister got a new job in March and may have more time to write.  I just sent her another pestering email.  

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

Thanks to my water bottle, done.

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

Nothing done yet. 

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.


14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

No, but I have another pitch written.  I will call this week.  

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Our dramatic reading is scheduled for late October or early November.  The date should be finalized shorty.  Huzzah!

16.  Organize my basement.

Significant progress was again made this month.  And thanks to my wife, I now have a dump permit, so let the chucking begin!

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

Nope.  Anyone?  Anyone?

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

Still suck on about 20% of my payment. 

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

I forgot about February and am three days late for March, so not so good. 

Resolution update: January 2011

As a means of holding myself accountable, I post the monthly results of my New Year’s resolutions here.

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight. 

I lost half a pound in the month of January.  Not quite the pace I was hoping to start off the year.  But now I have tendinitis in my left knee.  That should help matters considerably. 

2.  Do at least 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.

I missed the first three days of the month but have not missed a day since. 

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

Did not practice once in the month of January.  To be honest, I forgot about this resolution.  I need to bring my flute home from work in order to make this happen.

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.

I drank two glasses of wine in January.  I liked one quite a bit but it was a wine that is no longer made. 

Of course. 

5.  Complete my fifth novel.

MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND (my fourth novel) is complete.  I am currently writing two different stories in hopes that one will take off and become my next novel.  A sequel to MEMOIRS is also not out of the question.  This is actually the first day that I do not have a story to definitively work on and I am feeling a little lost.

I should be able to make a more informed decision once I have an American publisher for MEMOIRS. 

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

Not yet, but perhaps now is the time to write one. 

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

Not yet.    

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

Work continues on this project.  I am considering outsourcing some of the work to friend and family by asking them to recommend stories about my life that should be included in the memoir. 

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

No progress.  My sister lives a topsy-turvy lifestyle, and so far I have not been able to focus her on the task at hand.  

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

I actually did this for about a week and then forgot about the resolution entirely.  This kind of thing happens a lot during the first month of the year.

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

Nothing done yet.  But it’s looking like another snow day tomorrow.  Perhaps I’ll call the state and get that list of classes.

12.  Try liver.


13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.


14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.


15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

Earlier this month we completed another round of revisions and conducted a reading in my home.  Interested parties operating at least two different theaters have the rock opera in hand and we await their verdict.

16.  Organize my basement.

Significant progress was made this month.

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

Nope.  Anyone? 

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting on the funding.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Still waiting on the funding.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I actually earned about 20% of my mortgage in the month of January, and a large percentage of that money came from live games rather than online poker. 

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


New Year’s Resolutions: 2011

In keeping with tradition, here are my New Year’s resolutions for 2010.

I’ve decided to eliminate some items from last year’s list because they have become so routine that they do not warrant resolution status anymore.  Eating oatmeal three times a week, for example, falls into this category.  Previous resolutions-turned-habit include writing for at least two hours a day and flossing every day.

Resolutions work.

So here they are.  Twenty-one in all.  Five more than last year.

I’ll admit it’s getting a little unwieldy.  

1.  Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.  

I know this may seem unrealistic, but I lost almost 30 pounds two years ago and have managed to keep all but 5 pounds off, so another 23 seems perfectly reasonable. 

2.  Do at least 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.

This one should be easy, since I do this 3-4 times a week already.  My only  exceptions in 2011 will be days when I am sick (I am rarely sick)and days when I am already doing weight training at the gym.

3.  Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

In high school, I played the flute, the bassoon and the drums.  I purchased a flute a few years ago with the hope of playing again and have yet to practice enough to play well.  I want to begin that process this year.  

4.  Find a wine that I can drink every night or so. 

Research has shown that a person who drinks a glass of wine a day lives longer than those who abstain from alcohol altogether.  Being an abstainer, I find this  is annoying, since for years I thought I was doing the wise thing. 

Not enjoying the taste of alcohol anymore, I find this doubly annoying. 

This year I want to find a wine that I can enjoy enough to drink a glass every night.

At last night’s New Year’s Eve party I began my quest, managing to find a wine that I did not love but was at least palatable. 

A great start, I thought.   

Naturally, it is a wine no longer made.


5.  Complete my fifth novel. 

The subject is not yet determined (and I still need to put the finishing touches on MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND), but I have several ideas from which to choose.

6.  Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.

I have many ideas for children’s books, some already written in rough draft form.  My agent has said that she is more than willing to pass a manuscript onto one of the children’s literature agents who she knows, and from there, who knows?

7.  Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.

I’d prefer not to go into details on this project yet, but it is an idea that I have had for almost twenty years, and in 2010 I found the right collaborator to make it happen.    

8.  Complete an outline for my memoir

I’m much too young to write my memoir, but when I am ready, I want to have a list of events and life experiences ready to go.  I began this outline in 2010 on my iPhone and would like to complete it this year. 

9.  Convince my sister to write on at least once a week and do the same myself.

The information that my steel-trap-minded sister can provide will be invaluable in the memoir process.  Not to mention I love reading my sister’s stories from our childhood.  She remembered EVERYTHING.  I set up a blog in 2010 to capture these stories and share some back-and-forth exchanges, and though my sister has agreed to write with me, she has yet to fully commit to the project. 

10.  Drink at least four glasses of water every day.

This resolution is actually designed to induce me to drink less soda.  But rather than setting limits on my soda, I am instead requiring myself to drink four glasses of water instead in hopes that this will automatically curtail my Diet Coke consumption. 

I do much better with requirements than limitations.

My wife recently summed up the essence of my character by saying, “Matt doesn’t like to be told what to do.” 

That holds true even when I am telling myself what to do.  

11.  Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.

The day may come when I want a change of scenery in terms of my teaching.  Since I already have an English degree and an elementary teaching degree, I am only required to complete three more classes to be certified to teach at the high school level, and one of those is Composition, which I suspect I will do well in without trying.  I’d love to complete all three classes in 2011, but one is a realistic goal.  

12.  Try liver.

A failure from last year, this should be easily achieved in 2011 (though I’m sure I said this last year as well).

13.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

A failed resolution from last year. 

14.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

A failed resolution from last year.

15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.

16.  Organize my basement.

A failed resolution from last year, though significant progress was made.

17.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

A failed resolution from last year.

18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

A failed resolution from last year.  And the year before.

19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

A failed resolution from last year.

20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

A failed resolution from last year, though I came close to achieving this goal.

21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

As always, I reserve the right to add to this list during the first seven days of 2011. 

After that, the list is locked.

Resolution update: 2010 in review

2010 is about to become a thing of the past, and as such, it is time to review my successes and failures from the previous year. It’s wasn’t my best showing by resolution standards. I successfully completed 7 of my 16 resolutions and made considerable progress on two others.

Not great.

Here are the final results of each resolution, some of which will most assuredly make a repeat appearance on my 2011 list:

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I added a total of five pounds to my weight since January of 2010. Terrible.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

Not only did I finish CHICKEN SHACK, but I am nearly finished MEMOIRS OF A IMAGINARY FRIEND, which my brilliant agent has already sold rights to in six different countries.

CHICKEN SHACK has yet to be sold, but with luck (and a little revision), it will end up being my third book written and fourth book published.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

I’m going to call this a success. Though there were weeks in which I ate less than three bowls of oatmeal, those were few and far between and were far outpaced by the weeks in which I ate decidedly more than three bowls.  I won’t know if my cholesterol is actually lower as a result until my physical late next year, but the goal of eating oatmeal was achieved. More importantly, eating oatmeal has become a routine that I will continue in 2011.

4.  Try liver.

I failed to eat liver in 2010. The easiest of my sixteen resolutions went undone.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

I failed to publish an Op-Ed in any newspaper in 2010. I attempted to publish one piece in four separate papers and was rejected each time.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

I pitched one story for The Moth’s radio broadcast and was rejected. I attended one live Moth event, but it was a GrandSLAM, so I did not have the opportunity to participate. Another failure.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

While we continue to tweak the rock opera, it is complete. My partner and I listened to it last night, in fact, and took some notes on some possible revisions. We hope to see a staged reading and/or actual performance in 2011 at one of our local theaters.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

I finished reading fifteen novels published in 2010 and am in the midst of reading two more. A rousing success.

9.  Organize my basement.

Work on the basement is incomplete. My hopes of completing it during my December vacation evaporated with the deadline for my new book.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Success! I am able to edit my webpage at will using this software.   

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

Not a single paying client in 2010 despite the glowing recommendations of my two pro-bono clients.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

I finished the year with exactly 12 movies, and that brings my two year total to 29. Almost thirty movies seen in a theater or at a drive-in since the birth of my daughter. Myth officially debunked.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Incomplete. With the foreign sales already made for the new book, it’s likely that 2011 will be the year that Elysha and I become debt-free, but this year was a failure in this regard.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Also incomplete due to lack of funding.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

With a last minute surge in poker profits (from an especially profitable cash game last week), I came ever so close to this goal, falling about 22% shy of the mark. A failure, but one that I feel good about considered how little poker I played in 2010 in favor of writing.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

I missed one month in 2010 but am willing to call this a success.

Resolution update: November 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here. Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I added seven pounds since my last report. Absent a miracle or liposuction, I’ve all but failed to achieve this goal.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done! At least three bowls per week in the month of November.

4.  Try liver.

Nope. But c’mon. I’ve got to find some time for this one. Perhaps lunch with colleagues next week.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

I have yet to resubmit a piece, though in my defense, I’m trying to finish another book, quite unexpectedly, and simply don’t have the time.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

I have yet to make another attempt. But again, I’m trying to finish an entire novel in a span of five months. Unexpected goodness lands much more work on my plate.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

I’m up to fifteen with At Home, Freedom, and The Disappearing Spoon.

9.  Organize my basement.

Work continues but is not complete.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet. Anyone know someone in need?

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

I’m up to nine with the addition of the latest Harry Potter film. This leaves me three movies to go, which is very doable considering I have a week off at the end of December and my daughter’s nursery pre-school remains open. While we don’t plan on sending her to school everyday, we are planning to see a few movies that week while she is in school, just as long as there are movies we want to see.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

It won’t happen by the end of the year, but with the success that we have realized already for my still-unfinished manuscript, 2011 might be the year that we say goodbye to all of our education loans forever. Foreign sales have been remarkable.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Funds will probably be available in 2011 for reasons already stated.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

My bankroll sits at 50% of my goal. As with some of my other goals, this extra novel has hurt my playing time.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Um… I forgot to post October’s results. Oh well. Can’t blame that one on the new book.

Resolution update: September 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I'm back to within sixteen pounds of my goal with three months to go. 

It’s not looking good. 

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  Fourteen bowls in the month of September. 

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.  And c’mon.  This one is totally doable. 

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

I submitted a piece to the Times and was rejected.  I’m awaiting word from other papers now. 

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not yet.  And it looks like the radio broadcast is out, so it’ll have to be live.  

7.  Complete the rock opera.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.


9.  Organize my basement.

Work continues but is not complete.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

Stuck on seven and getting nervous that twelve might be out of reach.  To be perfectly honest, there haven’t been that many movies that I have wanted to see.  But still, I should be able to squeeze in five during these last three months.  A couple double-headers should do it. 

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Still waiting for that million dollar, multi-book deal to come through, or a television or movie deal to happen.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Looking unlikely without a windfall…

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

My bankroll is about 40% of my goal. 

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

Late but done.

Resolution update: August 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I managed to gain another three pounds this month, for a total of seven pounds over the duration of the summer.  This is likely result of days spent visiting friends and on book tour.  I just couldn’t get to the gym as often as I wanted. 

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

Still done!  The book is in the hands of my publisher, and we await their million dollar, multi-book offer.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

I didn’t eat a single bowl of oatmeal in August.  Now that I am back at work, eating oatmeal for lunch quite often, this should become much easier to accomplish.   

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.  I just workshopped a possible piece that is nearly ready for submission, and I was asked to write a piece for a national magazine.  So positivity abounds. 

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not yet.  but I have stories, damn it. 

7.  Complete the rock opera.


8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.


9.  Organize my basement.

Work continues but is not complete. 

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.


11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet. 

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

Stuck on seven after the bedbug scourge kept us away from the theaters while we were in New York.  I expect to add one or two in the next week and will have to scramble a bit to get in all twelve now.

Stupid bugs. 

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Waiting for that million dollar, multi-book deal to come through, or a television or movie deal to happen. 

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Looking unlikely without a windfall…

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I’ve built my bank back up to 25% of my goal, but with the fall quickly approaching, this one is going to be tough. 

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution update: July 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

This month I will begin crossing out those goals that I have already accomplished.  It will make me feel better, I think.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

Somehow I’ve managed to gain four pounds this month, the likely result of days spent visiting friends and staying on the shore.  Damn.  I’m supposed to have all the time in the world to exercise. 

What are the odds that I drop ten pounds this month? 

I just ate a slice of Boston cream pie.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

Done!  Taryn loved the revision and it’s just about ready to go.  I am conducting a final read-through of the manuscript this week then it’s off to my publisher and their eventual million dollar, multi-book offer. 

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Not so good this month.  It was much easier to eat oatmeal for lunch when I had fifteen minutes to down my lunch before returning to my classroom to correct papers and prepare a lesson.  I ate four bowls of oatmeal in July.  Just one bowl a week.  August probably won’t be much better, but September is already looking good. 

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet, but I have a piece nearly finished and have been asked to write another for a national magazine-to-be-named-later, providing things work out.  So it’s looking good. 

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

I attended a Moth event last week, but it was a Grand Slam Championship, so I did not have the opportunity to tell a story.  Still working on it.  

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Done!  We have some revisions that we’ll need to make, but the piece itself is finished. 

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

Done!  THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNET’S NEST and THE PASSAGE bring my total to seven. And my latest book club novel is SUPER SAD TRUE LOVE STORY, also published in 2010.  

9.  Organize my basement.

I started work on the basement and expect it to be complete by August.  It’s a big job. 

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.


11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.  Know of anyone in need of a good kick in the pants?

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

Add Knight and Day to the list and I’ve now seen seven movies.  Still on pace for an even dozen. 

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Waiting for that million dollar, multi-book deal to come through, or a television or movie deal to happen.  Pitches for the fall schedule have begun.  Perhaps I’ll get some great news soon.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Again, a TV or movie deal with either one of my books would help…

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I withdrew about half my profits in order to purchase my wife an anniversary gift, so I am now even further away than last month.  And I still have no time to play.  Too busy writing.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution update: June 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

As of this morning, one more pound lost.  Twelve to go.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

Finished writing the book on April 17. 

Finished first round of revisions on May 2.

Completing what I hope will be final revisions this week.  Then it’s back to my agent for what I hope will be an enthusiastic thumbs-up!

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  I had exactly three bowls of oatmeal per week in the month of June.  However, almost all of it came in the first half of the month.  Probably not what my doctor was looking for…

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not yet.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Done!  Waiting on a date for our staged reading in the fall. 

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

So annoyed.  I thought I completed this goal with the reading of CRUSH IT and THE BOOK THIEF, but they were published in 2009 and 2005 respectively.  So I still have one book to go.  But I started THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNET’S NEST yesterday so the goal should be completed in July. 

9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.  And it’s summer.  So I guess I should get on that.  Waiting for a rainy day.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Done!  Received a two hour lesson last night from my friend, Tom, and spent an hour this morning updating with my book tour schedule, some info on UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO and a few more tweaks. 

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.  Know of anyone in need of a good kick in the pants?

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

Watched The A Team last week, bringing my total to six.  On pace for an even dozen by year’s end. 

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

I could really use a television or movie deal to make this happen.  Pitches for the fall schedule begin soon.  Perhaps I’ll get some great news next month. 

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Again, a TV or movie deal with either one of my books would help…

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain about a quarter of the way to a mortgage payment.  No time to play.  Too busy writing.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution update: May 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

Three more pounds down.  Thirteen to go.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15 (adjusted from an original target of my birthday).

Finished writing the book on April 17.  Finished final revisions on May 2.

Revisions following my agent’s input begin this week.  Planning on finishing these revisions by the end of June. 

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  Once again, I had exactly three bowls of oatmeal per week in the month of May.

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet. 

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not yet.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Still complete, and I’m wrapping up the latest round of revisions this week.  Looks like we’ll have a reading with real actors and musicians in the fall!

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

Two more done, bringing my total to five already.  This month I read SH*T My DAD SAYS and THE BEDWETTER: STORIES OF COURAGE, REDEMPTION AND PEE.  Just one to go!

9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Must start this now, before my summer book tour begins.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

My total remains at five.  None this month.  But summer approaches, and I expect the number to rise quickly.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Nothing to report.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Nothing to report.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain about a quarter of the way to a mortgage payment.  No time to play.  Too busy writing. 

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution Update: April 2011

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here. Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I lost one pound this month, and one pound all year after the February debacle.  Sixteen pounds to go.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15 (adjusted from an original target of my birthday).

Finished writing the book on April 17.  Finished final revisions on May 2.

I’m thinking about trying to finish my next book this summer by turning my vacation into five hour work days, five days a week.  Why not?  Right?

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  I had exactly three bowls of oatmeal per week in the month of April.  My wife also made a batch of steel cut oatmeal tonight for the coming week.  Yum.

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.  But with THE CHICKEN SHACK in the hands of my agent, the time is now.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not yet, but I’ll be using my free time to draft another Moth radio hour proposal, and I’m sending my last one, which they rejected, to This American Life.  Maybe they have better taste.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Still complete, though revisions proceed and will likely continue indefinitely as we tweak things.  But still, the full draft is complete!

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.


9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Must start this now, before my summer book tour begins.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

My total remains at five.  None this month.  Too busy writing.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Nothing to report.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Nothing to report.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain about a quarter of the way to a mortgage payment.  No time to play.  Too busy writing.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution Update: March 2011

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here. Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

I lost the eight pounds that I put on during my trip to Florida, so I’m back to even.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15 (adjusted from an original target of my birthday).

Looking good.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  I had fourteen bowls of oatmeal in the month of March, including at least three each week.

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

Not since they rejected my last pitch.  Grrr…

7.  Complete the rock opera.

The full draft is complete!  Revision still required, but the actual opera is finished.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

One down!  I read GAME CHANGE during the month of February, and I began THE BIG SHORT: INSIDE THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE today.

9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Post-novel project.

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

I saw Alice in Wonderland and Crazy Heart this month, bringing the yearly total to five.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Nothing to report.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Nothing to report.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I remain about a quarter of the way to a mortgage payment.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.


Resolution Update: February 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.  I’m eleven days late in posting, but I’ve been busy.  It slipped my mind. Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

My trip to Florida in mid-February left me eight pounds heavier than when I started the month.  Yikes.  I have a lot of work to do.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by my birthday.

Failed.  My new goal is April 15.

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Done!  I had sixteen bowls of oatmeal in the month of February, which works out to four bowls per week.

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet.

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

My first proposal was rejected.  I won’t write another one until the novel is done.

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Work continues.  Progress good.  My collaborator has already proposed the next musical when this first one is complete.

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

None yet, but it’s hard considering I only had two months of material with which to work.

9.  Organize my basement.

Summer project.

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.

Post-novel project. 

11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

I’ve seen three so far.  Avatar, Up in the Air and the Blindside.  Well on pace to see at least twelve by the end of the year.

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Nothing to report.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Nothing to report.

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I’m actually about a quarter of the way there, so this goal is looking more and more achievable by the day.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

As I said, eleven days late this month.

Overall, not a great month.